Make sure you keep us updated. We need to keep this information up to date so that you pay the right rent and we know the correct size of home for your household.
If your household or circumstances change, you need to tell your local office immediately. Make sure you keep us updated.
We need to keep this information up to date so that you pay the right rent and we know the correct size of home for your household.
Household members
A household is made up of the people approved to live in your public housing property. Your household members are the renters, including yourself, the residents and dependants.
The person (or people) who signed the residential rental agreement and whose name is on the lease.
The renter is responsible for meeting the conditions of the residential rental agreement, like paying the rent on time.
There may be joint renters in your household, including yourself. All joint renters sign the residential rental agreement and have tenancy responsibility.
Anyone 18 years of age and over that is approved to live in the house with the renter.
A resident does not have the same rights as a renter because they have not signed the residential rental agreement. For example, if the renter moves out, residents cannot continue living in the property.
Children (under 18 years of age) are also household members.
What is a household change?
When you are approved as a public housing renter, others listed as household members are approved to live in the house with you. You must tell us if there are any changes, like if someone moves out or moves in.
If someone moves in or a baby is born, they will be an additional household member. This may affect your rent.
Visitors are considered household members if they:
- Regularly stay three or more nights a week
- Stay for longer than four weeks.
What is household income?
It is the amount earned by everyone in your household 18 years of age and over.
Household income may go up or down when a member of your household:
- Gets a new job
- Stops work
- Gets more or less money from Centrelink.
What happens if I don't tell you about changes?
If you do not tell us and we find out later, you could be charged backdated rent and end up with a debt to us.
Remember, your rent won't go up during a fixed rent period – it is fixed even if your income goes up or someone moves in. However, we still need to know about the change straight away.
Find more information on fixed rent